Friday, April 1, 2016

Repurposing DVD Player Screen ?


Repurposing DVD Player Screen, DVD Player Screen

Repurposing DVD Player Screen

Basically it will cost you in time an order of magnitude more than if you just bought an LCD that works with the pi out of the box. You could wash car windows on a street corner for change and use that money to buy one and it would be more time/cost effective.

This guy has done the exact same thing and it has worked. He is German so is accent may be a bit hard to understand

Basically, just make sure you haven't thrown away any of the circuit boards form when you dismantled the player. There is usually a smaller board and a much larger board in the case. The smaller board is usually the LCD driver board and would have a direct connection to the LCD.

On the driver board look for a soldered microchip, not unlike the CPU on the pi. This should have a serial number on it that you can enter into google to find its data sheet. Look at the data sheet to find a 'video in' connection on the chip as shoewn in the video. Then follow the trace on the board from the chip to an external connector.

This is where you should attach the pi via the composite video output.
The video explains it better.

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